The to-do list: TopDutch events guide 20-26 feb 2023

It’s a brand new week! this means we'll share our pick of this weeks events in the TopDutch region. Whether it’s in your work-life or you’re looking for something to broaden your horizon, the TopDutch region is packed with events that’ll inspire you to do your part in changing the world.
Webinar: Breaking boundaries - Ocean acidification
The oceans eventually dissolve about a quarter of the CO2 that humans release into the atmosphere. Here, it turns into carbonic acid, changing the chemistry of the ocean and bringing the pH of the surface water down. Ocean acidification has implications for the entire planet, in contrast to the majority of other human impacts on the marine environment, which are frequently local in scope. Since atmospheric CO2 concentration is the fundamental controlling factor for both the climate and ocean acidification boundaries, it is also an illustration of how connected the boundaries are.
Where? Online. When? Thursday the 23th of February, 15:00 -16:00 (GMT+1)
VentureClass February: Yeelen Knegtering (Klippa)
Klippa focuses on making the best AI-powered Intelligent Document Processing solutions. Clients benefit from cost savings, increased efficiency, fraud prevention and compliance enhancement. Among others, Klippa offers you solutions for scanning, expense management, invoice processing, KYC, loyalty, logistics, and back-office automation. These solutions are available as an end to end solution, but also as RPA components, APIs and SDKs.
Klippa uses AI-based technologies such as OCR, NLP, Computer vision, and Image forensics to support over 1000 clients in 25 countries around the world. By automating repetitive tasks, Klippa takes the machine out of the human.
In 2022 Klippa got awarded the Groninger Ondernemersprijs.
Where? Van Swinderen Huys (Oude Boteringestraat 19, Groningen).
When? Thursday the 23th of February, 07:00-9:00 (GMT+1)
Webinar: Freshwater use
Arguably the most important element on our planet: Freshwater. 2.5% of all water on Earth is fresh and it is becoming more and more scarce; by 2050, it’s likely that half a billion people will experience water stress. But this experience might differ a lot per region. Where an average Dutch person uses around 4,000 liters per day, a citizen from Congo is working with 140 liters per day. The harsh reality is that those who use the least, will suffer the most.
Where? online. When? Tuesday the 21th of February, 15:00 – 16:00 (GMT+1)
Over the past 150 years, physical beauty has become increasingly important. Where once especially young upper class women were concerned with their appearance, nowadays a multitude of people from all kinds of social strata invest more and more money, time and effort in their appearance. Beauty has become a symbol for self-actualisation: one of the most important markers of personal success. According to sociologist Giselinde Kuipers, our drive for beauty has sparked a multi-million dollar business, and with it, increasing inequality. Those who aren't bestowed with an appearance that meets society's standards and who have no money for botox, expensive clothes or a nose job will only see the gap between rich and poor widen. Why is it so important to be beautiful? And what are the consequences of this expanding beauty regime?
Where? Academy Building (Broerstraat 5, groningen)
When? Wednesday 20:00 – 21:30 (GMT+1)
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