What's your missing link?

As an innovative company, you’re always looking for solutions to make your operations more sustainable. To achieve your mission, you need an ambitious and connected ecosystem around you. Do you see ‘gaps’ in the regional economy that could strengthen your transition and innovation goals? Do you need a certain technology, expertise or suppliers in your value chain? Let us know!

The best way to predict the future is to create it together

TopDutch is more than just a brand. We want help existing initiatives and local networks, so that we can pinpoint what’s needed in the region with surgical precision. And with that, it allows us to set up targeted campaigns to convince all the right people and connect them with all the right local networks and initiatives.

That’s where you – TopDutch entrepreneurs – come in. There’s no-one who knows what your business and sector cluster needs better than you. Do you see ‘gaps’ in the regional economy that could strengthen your transition and innovation goals? Do you need a certain technology, expertise or suppliers in your value chain? Let us know.

We can’t promise to hire Dr. Joe Bloggs for you, or set up a deal with ABC Ltd. But we will promise to use your insights to shape our campaigning and acquisition planning around the on-the-ground needs of real TopDutch entrepreneurs and ecosystems.

Naturally leading the transition

We’re at a turning point. We need global, system-level transitions to make sure we pass on a healthy planet and economy to the next generation. And those transitions will be powered by bold ambitions and innovative solutions.

We Noorderlingers don’t like to brag, but the TopDutch region has the potential to change the world. The Northern Netherlands is leading important systemic transitions in industries like green energy and green chemistry, digital innovation and WaterTech, healthy ageing, and the future of AgriFood. But we can always do better. And we most certainly need to do it faster. To change the world, we’re gonna need to bring the rest of the world along with us.

That’s exactly why the TopDutch campaign was conceived in the first place. To show the rest of the world what we’re good at. And to invite them to join us, so we can become even better and make a global impact with sustainable solutions for global challenges. Not to pat ourselves on the back or for the bragging rights, but because the clock is really ticking.

To strengthen our sustainable value chains here in the North, we’ll need more talented people, but also international investors and companies. But it’s not about size or numbers, it’s about value. They need to be valuable additions. Or the missing link.

Help us help you

About TopDutch

TopDutch is a campaign commissioned by the Province of Fryslân, Province of Drenthe and Province of Groningen. By using TopDutch as the primary economic brand for initiatives and networks, we support northern ambitions and the northern ecosystem. We’re working together with the NOM Sector Teams, for example, to look for valuable companies and investors who are a perfect match for the region. And to ensure that more innovative, international companies that are at the forefront of the transition will have a new place to call home.

We do this by representing the region as one voice and with one message. And that message is that TopDutch is the region where we work towards a healthy and fair future. Not just for ourselves, but for everyone. Where we already have all the ingredients. Where we have the guts to think big, by being down-to-earth. Where there is the drive to work together, so that we can grow together. Because where else?