Benefits, pensions and social security

Some periods you may need extra financial support. Residents of the TopDutch region may be entitled to certain benefits or, in their older age, a state pension. Here’s a overview of the types of benefits and social security that are available in the Netherlands.


Types of Benefits

Benefits (toeslagen) refers to certain subsidies you can get from the government for particular expenses. These are generally based on your taxable income from that year. To apply for them you must have a DigiD and apply through the tax service (Belastingdienst). Some of the benefits include:

  • Health insurance benefits (zorgtoeslag)
  • Rental allowance (huurtoeslag)
  • Childcare benefits (kinderopvangtoeslag)
  • Supplementary child benefit (kindgebonden budget)

Types of social security

Social security (uitkering) refers to funds that can help you live if you do not earn enough to live off. There are two types, unemployment benefit (WW uitkering) and welfare benefit (Bijstandsuitkering). Your eligibility for both is dependent on a number of factors.

State pension

Everyone who has lived or worked in the Netherlands, and as a result has been insured under the AOW scheme, is entitled to basic state pension. Every year you’ve been insured under the scheme, which is part of the wider national insurance, you gain rights to 2% of the total amount. Once you’ve worked 50 years, you’ll be entitled to a full state pension. Pension age in the Netherlands is increasing yearly to 67 years in 2024. To see the age you will be entitled to claim state pension, you can use the calculator on the website of the SVB.